On 25/7/00 7:50 pm, David C. Tremmel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the answer, Kevin.  I guess I wasn't clear about what I
> was trying to do.  I know about what you pointed out (basically
> filtering the answer file dialog).  I want to do something like the
> following:
> get the files of type "MSTKSTAKTEXT"
> put it into fld AvailableFiles
> or get the file type of an individual file, something like:
> get the fileType of file "/HD/MyFolder/MyFile"
> I know the above syntax doesn't work, since fileType is simply a
> global property that sets the file type for files saved from a stack.
> But you get the idea.  The reason for this is that I want to show the
> user a filtered list of the files in the current directory OR I want
> to automatically load/display the next image in a series (as
> determined by the file name) from the current directory (basically I
> can sort the directory contents to determine the order of the
> images).  The problem is that, while on Windows I can be reasonably
> sure images will have either *.gif or *.jpg filenames (so I can make
> sure I only try to set the fileName of my image object to a file with
> such a suffix), I don't have a good way of making sure that a file is
> an image file on a Mac before trying to use it's name as the fileName
> of my image object.  Is there any way to do this?

Not that I'm aware of.  You might be able to do this with AppleScript in the
Externals - does anyone know if this is possible in AppleScript and what
would be the syntax?



> Dave Tremmel

Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.runrev.com/>
Runtime Revolution Limited (formerly Cross Worlds Computing).
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