>> I can think of 2 kind of solutions :
>> 1) solution based on signature
>> The programmer put his signature in his runtime and in his stacks. When
>> opening a stack, the runtime checks if the stack has the right signature.
>> The process could be a "compress+encrypt" function built in the engine and a
>> "decompress+decrypt" function build in the runtime.
>1.1) Why not as an RSA public/private keys encryptation system, stored, as a
>metatalk script, in an encrypted client-side home stack or its substitute,
>suitable, without any changes, with the actual 2.3.1 issue of MC ?

Pierre, please pojnt the way! 

I'd like to know how to script, it. What maths is involved? Is there an RFC? What 
would be the security loopholes etc...

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