Michael Crawford wrote:
> Hi,
> I seem to be having a little problem with some of my metacard stacks that
> run off my macintosh (and several other ones as well). Sometimes when I
> quit from a standalone I get a system freeze. This dosen't happen every
> time but does happen often enough to be somewhat disconcerting. At first I
> thought I was just being a bit rough with the quitting procedure so I made
> sure I checked for and closed any unecessary stacks that were open. Set the
> backdrop to empty and showed the menubar again. Then I used the inbuilt
> quit command. I don't think this helped though. Does any one have any
> advice about what I might be doing wrong? Is ther a better way to quit?
> Michael
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No sure you are wrong. Try :

wait 1 tick

Regards, Pierre Sahores

WEB, DB, B2B & ASP design.
Donner, l'art de penser
et de produire du sens;
l'entropie : l'inverse.

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