If the dontUseQT property is set to true in Windows 95 (haven't tested
98 yet) I cannot get a controller to show when playing an aiff file
inside a player object, regardless of the setting of the showController
property. Is it possible to have a controller without QuickTime?

Also, without QuickTime, the width of the player seems to be random. I
have a line of script that sets the preferred width but it doesn't work.
The width of the player is fairly random with each instance I create
(one player showed up as 938 pixels wide. The script asks for 132.) How
much can be done with player objects if QuickTime is not available?
Playing audio is about all I can get it to do, and only then if the file
has an ".aiff" extension. Without the extension, the audio won't load at all.

Can someone provide some guidelines?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     612-724-1596
Custom hypermedia solutions    |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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