Could you make the image a button with the icon set to the image and use:

on mouseEnter
 set the icon of me to redIcon
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
 set the icon of me to whiteImage
end mouseLeave

<< I would be most greatful if someone would help me with the following 

I am developing a stack on a G3 Mac which allows the user to time events 
by clicking on an image of a stopwatch.  This is a gray scale image on a 
white background.  To indicate that the cursor is over the image I would 
like the white to turn to red, leaving the image of the stopwatch 
visible.  Her's what I have done so far:

1.  I selected the image and brought up the color pallette.  If I selct 
foreground and then red I get the result that I want.  However, when I 
set the foreground property from a script nothing happens ( I was using 
on mouseEnter)

2.  I then created a graphic to cover the image of the stopwatch.  I 
played with this for a while and got it to work by selecting color 
0,255,255 which is a greenish blue and then setting the ink to SubOver.  
When I show the image from the script the result is exactly what I want.  
The problem is when I then run the stack on a wintel machine The result 
is that the image comes out the greenish blue color and obliterates the 
image of the stopwatch.

I am running MetaCard 2.3.1

Any help would be appreciated.

Jim Wall

James C. Wall, Ph.D.
Department of Physical Therapy
University of South Alabama
1504 Springhill Avenue, Room 1214
Mobile AL 36604

        Phone:  (334) 434 3575
          Fax:  (334) 434 3822
       e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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