on Wed, 24 Jan 2001 19:40:10 +1030 "Monte Goulding"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> perplexedly asked:

> I still don't get what the formatForPrinting has to do
with the
> windowBoundingRect. This may override the property but
surely changing the
> windowBoundingRect would be the most obvious soloution.

It isn't obvious, is it? Well, it had to be explained to me
a couple of times.

The windowBoundingRect is to prevent stacks from being off
screen. So it looks at the screenrect, takes off for menu
bars, and resizes your stack accordingly whether you like it
or not. You can't set the windowBoundingRect to be larger
than the screenrect.

You can overcome this by typing into the message box:

"set the formatForPrinting of this stack to true"

It only has to be done once -- provided you save the stack.
(I think.)

This allows MC to understand that you intend to print the

Why is this important? Say I want to print a letter from a
card onto regular letter paper (say 8.5 inches by 11
inches -- with apologies to our metric neighbors). You can't
do it if the card won't open with enough height. The card
would need to be 9 inches tall (9*72 = 648 pixels) assuming
a 1-inch margin at the top and bottom. Now I generally use
an 800x600 screen because the larger screen size makes the
type too small for my eyes. The windowBoundingRect (which
would set the height to about 580) is prevented by the
formatForPrinting property of the stack. So the stack opens,
partly off screen. And I can print it.

I can't see another way around it unless Scott makes it
possible to print the full size of groups or scrolling
fields, etc. regardless of the window size. I have the
feeling that he is moving in that direction, at least
partially. But in the mean time....

Hope this helps.


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