On 28/1/01 9:25 pm, Ernst Michael Reicher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> how to prevent that the same stack is opened several times on a Windows
> machine?
> As I remember that was not possible on a Mac but it is on Windows...
> ...how can I get the "running programs" - there was something in HC

One way you could do it (any platform) is to create a "lock file" that
prevents multiple copies being run.  The idea is simple: on loading, create
a text file in a specific place (e.g. the same directory as the stack).  On
closing, delete the file.  On startUp, if the file exists, put up an error
message that the program is already running, and exit.



Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.runrev.com/>
Runtime Revolution Limited (formerly Cross Worlds Computing).
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