I have 26 buttons arranged in a row over their respective fields(ie 
spreadsheet). When I  hilite a button, I would like it to show its name and 
show it as "Y". When the shift key is down, I would like it to show its name 
and show it as "X". Multiple buttons can be hilited as "X" or "Y". Any ideas?
I guess the  script could be:
on mouseUp
end mouseUp
The stacks script could be:
function selectedButton
  repeat with x = 1 to 26
    put  x into buttonName
    if the hilite of  btn buttonName then put buttonName & return after 
  end repeat
  delete last char of selectedCols -- remove trailing return
  return selectedCols
end selectedButton

on familyHilites
  if the shiftKey is down then
    set hilite of the target to true
    set name of the target to "X"
    set hilite of the target to true
    set name of the target to "Y"
end familyHilites

on multiSelection
  set the hilite of the target to not the hilite of the target
end multiSelection

on selectThisOneOnly
  repeat with x = 1 to 26
    put  x into buttonName
    set the hilite of  btn buttonName to false
  end repeat
  set the hilite of the target to true
end selectThisOneOnly

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