On 14/2/01 9:29 pm, Ernst Michael Reicher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Not at all - you can normally copy in and out objects that need to be
>> updated.  Or even entire stacks or substacks.  Or distribute in multiple
>> files.  The only script its a little hard to update is the mainStack
> script
>> itself.
> What about the data in a bg fld which is on let´s say 500 cards???
> If you cut the fld and copy one in with the updated script - where is the
> data???

I think in that case it would be easier to replace the stack.

> wouldn´t it be easier to set the script....

How can you allow that to happen while preventing someone from producing a
competitor to MetaCard that is simply a MetaCard standalone?  I.e. purchase
one copy of MetaCard and use it to create and sell a competing product?



Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.runrev.com/>
Runtime Revolution Limited (formerly Cross Worlds Computing).
Tel: +44 (0)131 672 2909.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

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