Hi All,

I saw a couple of postings related to POST and ASP...and never really 
saw an answer...as far as I can tell, this solution works for ASP and 
some other web servers (HTML/OS) that accept a POST command.

This example works for ASP..by modifying the httpHeaders just ever so 
slightly. The addition is:

  set the httpHeaders to "Content-type: 

make a field with the name "Earl" and put the url into it (i.e. 
make a field with the name "data" and put some text in there (i.e. hi )
make a button and put the following script.

on mouseUp
   set the httpHeaders to "Content-type: 
   # The trailing return is the key...without it, this spits back all 
sorts of errors.
   put field "Earl" into mURL
   put "myText="&field data into tText
   post tText to URL mURL
   put it
end mouseUp

The ASP file (i.e. http://localhost/default.asp)

should have:

<% Language=VBScript %>
    Response.Write Request.Form("myText")

The html, head and body tags arent really necessary.

It should just spit back what you put in the data field.


Mark J. Luetzelschwab           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant         (v) (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology            (f) (512) 232 2322
Reading and Language Arts:

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