----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Lord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 3:17 PM
Subject: Drag and Drop

> Does MC support dragging an image, text file or folder onto a field
> or button in a open stack?  Ideally, I'd like to drag a set of images
> onto a button or field and have the stack categorize them via a
> custom script.  I'd also like it to work from the desktop of any
> platform so using an external is out of the question.

This would be nice. So how would it work, anyway?

DISCLAIMER: I have no idea how difficult it would be to implement what I'm
talking about here. This is just an idea. Some other approach may be a dozen
times better.

What if MC had a new "fileDrop" message? It could be sent to the topmost
control whose rectangle contained "the dropLocation" (a new prop or func).

on fileDrop

A list (or array?) containing one multi-item line of info per dropped file
    - item 1 = file type ("text",...)
    - item 2 = file location (path or url)

-- text field handler example

on fileDrop pDropFiles
  -- hide the changes until done
  lock screen
  put text of me into tOriginalText
  put empty into me

  -- put new text (if any) into field
  repeat for each line tFileDescription in pDropFiles
    if item 1 of tFileDescription <> "text" then next repeat
    put url ("file:" & item 2 of tFileDescription) after text of me
  end repeat

  -- restore old text if no new text was dropped
  if text of me = empty then
    put tOriginalText into me
  end if

  -- show the completed changes
  unlock screen
end fileDrop

Food for thought.
Phil Davis

> --
> Cheers,
> Simon
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> --------------------------------------------------
> "The great discoveries in science are not punctuated by 'Eureka! I've
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