Jeremy wrote:

>Also:  Are there any cool, small games made in MC out there?  ....

>Thought i doubt you would find many games at all for metacard, due to the cost
of the program.

I have a game, not so small but still, all made with MetaCard. It has 
been on the market for a year, still only in Finland since I haven't 
had time to finish the Swedish and English versions yet (one woman 
show... :o)  ). The game has been *very* popular and we've had 38000 
+ visitors on our site since September last year. This whole "show" 
is possible thanks to Scotts great support and the wonderful people 
on this list, *and* HyperCard which started it once upon a time, and 
SuperCard in between!

I make the game and my husband is selling it. We sell via ads with 
coupons and via our site. But the most has been sold because they 
like it and tell their friends.

I am now, for "part 3" of the game, combining MetaCard with 
GameFactory (from Clickteam) which I use for the horse back riding 
parts of the game. It is "faked" 3D with rendered 3D images. 
Unfortunately the GameFactory only exists for PC. But I found a 
similar tool for Mac in beta version at Beenox.

So game making is definitely possible with MetaCard.


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