>I'm having problems playing a AVI in my stack...
>The AVI movie only works with the full directory as a path.
>C:\DITBOX\Splashscreen.avi  <--This works
>\DITBOX\Splashscreen.avi  <--This dosen't
>However I need a relative path because this stack will be on a cd with a
>changing drive letter.  I've heard some talk of use of the externals
>collection to find the drive letter but so far I have been unsuccessful.
Any Ideas?

How about using 'there is a file <filePath>' within a repeat loop on 
startup to locate a designated file and the drive letter associated 
with it and then construct your filepaths from there (I'm not really 
a PC person and not yet familiar with the vagaries of MC or MetaTalk 
so don't be surprised if this doesn't work).

put "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" into PotentialDrives
repeat with i = 1 to 26
      if there is a file (char i of tPotentialDrives & ":\" & <filePath>) then
            return (char i of PotentialDrives) -- use this to build 
your filePaths
           exit repeat
      end if
end repeat


Dr Terry Judd
Multimedia Developer

Biomedical Multimedia Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Phone: 03 9344 0187
Fax: 03 9344 4998

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