----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Herz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 9:18 AM
Subject: load and go of gzipped stacks?

> I'm experimenting with using "load url" and "go url" to
download and run
> stacks from web servers.  Is there a way to download
gzipped stacks,
> decompress() them and run them using these commands?  I
imagine one could
> get the gzipped stack, put it into a variable,
decompress() it, write it to
> a disk file, then open the stack from there.   But is
there a way to do it
> with load and go?

This works:

1) Make a one-card stack that has a button and a field.

2) Put this handler in the button script:

on mouseUp
  load url
      with message "expandDownload"
end mouseUp

3) Put this handler in the card script:

on expandDownload pURL,pStatus
  put the params into fld 1
  go decompress(url pURL)
  unload url pURL
end expandDownload

4) Click the button!

Phil Davis

> Thanks
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