Rodney Tamblyn wrote/ schreef:

> 1. It would be good if MC would support font face tags with multiple fonts
> that editors like Dreamweaver commonly insert, eg: <font face="Verdana, Arial,
> Helvetica, sans-serif">
> At present MC will ignore these and use the default font instead.  It should
> at least try to use the first font listed in the tag.
> 2. MC should returns in HTML imports, at present it seems to add extra space
> where the return was:

> #swap out Dreamweaver multiple font selections
> repeat until offset("Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",data) = 0
> get offset("Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",data)
> delete char it+7 to it+37 of data
> end repeat
> #delete return chars, as MC adds space where these are found
> repeat until offset(return,data) = 0
> delete char offset(return,data) of data
> end repeat
why not:
  replace "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" with "Verdana" in data
  -- and:
  replace return with empty in data
  -- or the whole thing even with:
  put replaceText(replaceText(data,return,""),"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
  -- I have the starter kit, so I've to be short, you know...

> Rodney

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