Dear list,
This is annoying me because I like everything to be neat and tidy.  I don't
like hacks.

Here's the deal.  I'm just finishing up an app which needs to be able to be
run on 640 by 480 Macs (this is education.)  Before the old argument flares
up about what education wants, believe me, there are still schools with old
Macs and in this case they specifically asked for this screen size!

I'm trying to cram everything I can into this limited screen real estate,
and I've got the stack size set to 621 by 427.  I crammed everything in, and
all is cool, until I put my screen into 640 by 480 resolution to test it.
Suddenly MetaCard decides that when I open the stack it's going to resize my
stack and remove about 20 pixels from the bottom of it!  So I set the stack
height and width in the stack "on preOpenStack" script, and then it opens at
the correct 621 by 421 size... but it opens too high!  The title bar of the
stack is sitting underneath the Mac OS menu bar.  Obviously this won't work,
so I decide to set the location.  I enter this:
on preOpenStack
  set the loc of this stack to 319,256
  set the width of this stack to 621
  set the height of this stack to 427
end preOpenStack

Here's what happens... it opens at the correct size but it ignores the
location I entered.  So I change it to:
on preOpenStack
  set the width of this stack to 621
  set the height of this stack to 427
  set the loc of this stack to 319,256
end preOpenStack

Does this work?  NO!  It THEN opens with the correct position, but ignores
the height I set and changes it to 395!  ARGH.  This is really annoying.

So I change the handler to "on openStack" and THEN it works fine.  But of
course you see the stack first come in at the wrong size and then jump to
the proper size.  This is visually annoying and makes my app look

OK, I realize I'm not programming in Objective C here, and if this is the
only way to get it done I'll chalk it up to compromise.  But if I'm missing
something here, could someone please turn the light on for me?  I'm not sure
why MetaCard would want to (by default) ignore height and location settings
in a preOpenStack handler.  If it's supposed to be a feature, I'd disagree
and argue that it's a bug... anyone run across this before?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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