Ben Rubinstein wrote:
> I'd like to get some experience with libURL; but I'm one of those newbie
> types who's using Revolution.  If I can work out where to download it from,
> should it in principle be possible to use libURL from Revolution 1.0 (which
> of course is based on the 2.3.2 MetaCard engine)?  Are there any special
> things I should do or watch out for?

You can't use libURL with a 2.3.2 engine because the main handlers are
built-in the engine and instead of having the library do the work you
have the engine.
You can of course get the library from 2.4 (it's a substack of MetaCard
Menu Bar" stack), modify the handlers so they are different from the
built-in stuff and use it. Don't forget to call the library when you
want to use it: start using "libURL".

> If that's not going to work, can I ask a couple of questions about http
> headers - both for the request and response.
> Q1: As I understand it, in MC 2.3.2 you can customise the header of a
> request to some extent, by specifying additional text in the httpHeaders
> property.  But I've read a message from andu (17/7/01) in which he said:
> > No need for httpHeaders (obsolete for now) since the library
> > implements a full header on its own.
> Surely there needs to be some way to specify additional headers - you can't
> predict what developers are going to use this for.  (For example, they may
> need to pass authorisation through; some servers may need a "host" header;
> an app might want to specify a referrer, or a user-agent identity, etc....)

Absolutely, the headers are custom properties of the stack "libURL" so
you can edit them at your convenience, I just didn't implement
httpHeaders as a direct way to add to the existing headers, for now.

> Is there a way to customise the request header for an http request in
> libURL?  If not could there be, please?
> Q2: AFAIK, there is no way in MC 2.3.2 (ie in current Rev) to access the
> header of an http response.  At least, I asked a couple of times on the Rev
> list, and nobody ever replied.  I find this really restrictive - does libURL
> give a better solution to this?  If not, could it, please?

The 2.3.x engines don't return headers in the response but you can edit
libURL to do that (it deletes them at some point but you can change
that). Also remember, if you are into it, you can learn to use sockets
and build your own handlers for network communication and have all the

> TIA,
>   Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600
>        |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866
> Archives:
> Info:
> Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Regards, Andu

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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