>From the web page at: <http://www.mactech.com/progchallenge/2001_09_Challenge.html>

"The basic requirement is that you open a text file containing valid C/C++ source code 
and generate a Nassi-Schneiderman diagram for each routine included in that file."

It's frustrating that they aren't offering sample files. One thing that will 
definitely be needed is regex patterns to recognize C and C++ source code. I'm looking 
online for this right now, but haven't found anything yet. If anyone knows where such 
a beast exists, or better yet has already done C/C++ pattern matching in MC/Rev, that 
would help.

Also, I think this description is vague:

"You must provide a means for the user to select a section of the diagram, or click on 
a section of interest, and zoom in on that section. The zoomed-in display should 
increase the level of detail displayed, until no further increase in detail is 

Does that mean that higher levels of the diagram go away, or is it more like the zoom 
feature on the dock in OS X, where everything is visible all the time, but whatever 
has the focus is expanded to the detriment of others?

In any case, the layout reminds me of the development environment for iShell:



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