on 8/18/01 6:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

>> Anyone know how to use LibURL to ftp? Any help text on this?
> put url "ftp://ftp.metacard.com/"; with "/", returns the directory
> put url "user:password@ftp://ftp.metacard.com/"; with authentication
> put url "ftp://ftp.metacard.com/MetaCard/linux.tgz"; returns file
> put <data> into url Y uploads files
> set ftpActive() for active (as opposed to passive) transfers
> ..and make sure you report any bugs.

Outstanding, great work Andu! ... I am using FTP from MC every day now
(2.3.2) and will upgrade  to 2.4 soon.

Meanwhile I figured out the permissions thing by using a monitor log to see
that an FTP client simply writes to the socket:

SITE CHMOD 755 /public_html/cgi-bin/build_lessons.mt

(in this case, specifically to make cgi's executable with rwx r-x r-x)

So, in Andu's MC FTP script, after the sendData handler is done,
 it seemed obvious to add this:

  write "SITE CHMOD 755 " &  iPath & crlf to socket Q
    read from socket Q for 1 line #for confirmation
    put  cr & it before fld "log"

just before writing QUIT to the socket... Bingo, it worked like charm.

Now, of course this means I have to manually change the script for any
different kinds of permissions (don't know any others are needed for .mt
scripts...) So, if you were able to incorporate permissions into the new 2.4
routines that would be great (or maybe you have already) This is allows one
to use an MC interface to manage .mt scripts (and bourne shell scripts
also), upload, set permissions, trigger with "get" and put the results into
a field... all with just the click of a button. saying good bye to FTP
clients and browsers for the cgi  development process and it is saving a LOT
of time.  

Of course, one can modify the LibURL oneself too, but then, that would
globally set permissions for all FTP uploads... so, ideally it would be a
separate handler all together, that you would call after you completed the
upload, something like:

> put <data> into url Y uploads files
set permissions url Y to "755"

where the 

set permissions url Y

part was handled by the LibURL "engine"

One option at least...

Hinduism Today

Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
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