Actually I have two questions and, of course, two requests for help.  :)
    I have a "go stack it" line in a standalone. "It" refers to another
standalone. It doesn't go to the second standalone. If the "it variable" points
to a stack which hasn't been converted to a standalone it works. Is this normal?
    Second, I'm trying to create an autostart hybrid CD using Toast on a Mac. I
wrote an autorun.inf file with the  lines:

using SimpleText. I place the .inf file at the root of the WinDoz  side of the CD
and the autostart.exe standalone at the root level as well. It doesn't work. When
I double-click the autostart.exe standalone from within My Computer the
standalone runs just fine.  When I open the inf file on the widows the file
consists of a single line

[autorun] "OPEN=autostart.exe"

with black square blocks between the [autorun] and the "OPEN=autostart.exe" and
immediately following the "OPEN=autostart.exe". I assume the blocks are in fact
return characters and so the OS must interpret the file as having two lines. Can
I write the inf file on the Mac using Simpletext or does it have to be written on
the windows side? Is the command "OPEN=autostart.exe" case sensitive?


:: PLAN!!  I'd rather be surprised.
:: F.A. (Rick) Rice, Instructor                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: Div. of Sciences and Health Sciences           Phone: (250) 828-5424
:: The University College of the Cariboo          Fax: (250) 828-5450
:: 900 McGill Road
:: Box 3010
:: Kamloops, BC
:: V2C 5N3

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