
Which reminds me: I read articles about the strong points of UNIX, Linux, BSD, Mac OSX
or plain, but never came across something similar regarding windows except the number
of users. 
Nevertheless, following the evolution of Linux on desktops it is obvious to me that the
fundamental model was windows not Mac despite its recognized superior user
experience. Amazingly, the much disputed browser-desktop integration microsoft was
rightfully accused of became standard feature on Linux. The cancer of windows office
applications became desirable model to be followd in all its bloat.
That tells me that most Linux UI developers were primarily windows users until they saw
the light (but not all of it;-), and most concerning of all, the fact that microsoft by
dominating the desktop world wide, implicitly controls at least partially what and how
people think and/or create.
No one can argue that a guy in front of windows 8 hours a day year after year doesn't
have his general perception and logic affected about what the environment should look
like or how it should work. That guy will definitely carry his baggage of thinking and
working as well as his visual preferences in the rest of his life beyond the computer.

Regards, Andu

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