Christopher Carey wrote:

> Metacard is great at putting together easy elements fast but the one thing
> that I miss from Director 8 and others is the ability to make a reliable
> roll-over. The hilite icon feature really does not hit the spot. I have
> seen some scripts that rely on the hide show function...
> Button script
> on mouseEnter
> hide image "click1.gif"
> show image "click2.gif"
> end mouseEnter
> on mouseLeave
> hide image "click1.gif"
> show image "click2.gif"
> end mouseLeave
> However this script does not allow for a instance when the mouse enters a
> button then leaves off screen. It will leave the image "rolled up". There
> must be a more reliable way to create a roll-over effect in metacard.
> Also for some of the people using 2.3 and trying to launch the browser to
> move to a web page, I am using the externals collection to launch a page
> that re-directs to the internet hosted page the same way you would launch a
> document. I've heard that 2.4 does this better but really did not see the
> details can someone respond to this post s

It's even easier then that:  just set the armedIcon of the button to the id
of the rollover image.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
 Tel: 323-225-3717        AIM: FourthWorldInc        Fax: 323-225-0716

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