And hopefully the last one, as the CD-ROM I'm working on
is planed to go to duplication plant on monday...

Here's the problem :
I have 2 standalones, actually the french & english versions of the
same app (FR.EXE and UK.EXE), both in the same directory
(at top level of the CD-ROM).

I want the end user to be able to switch between both with 1 single
click. In other words, both apps should never run simultaneously.

So I'm using the following script :

    on mouseUp
        get pathname & "UK.EXE"
        open process it
        close this stack

The pathname is OK. This works on Mac, but on Windows I'm
meeting some problems.
When I run the app as an MC stack (from the MC application),
it works (I mean : if I open FR.MC in MC and run the script
    open process "F:/UK.EXE"
it works OK.

But as soon as FR.MC is converted into a standalone (FR.EXE),
it doesn't work : "open process..." doesn't work, but "close this stack"

works OK.
All .MC and .EXE are in the same directory, so I don't think it's a
directory problem...

I'm sure I missed something, but what ?????

Thank you all.


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