Thanks to Nelson Zink and David Jones for their code snippets for converting
Julian dates.

Below are two functions derived from Nelson Zink's code to go from standard
date format to Julian and back again.  I've modified the code into
functions, changed the variable names to minimize potential name space
conflicts, and added local declarations so they'll work with or without
explicitvars on:

-- Date2Julian
-- Accepts any valid date format and returns a
-- Julian date value.
-- Derived from original code by Nelson Zink.
function Date2Julian pDate
  local tYear, tMonth, tDay, aa, bb, cc, dd
  convert pDate to dateitems
  put item 1 of pDate  into tYear
  put item 2 of pDate  into tMonth
  put item 3 of pDate  into tDay
  if tMonth<=2 then
    add 12 to tMonth
    subtract 1 from tYear
  end if
  put trunc(tYear/100) into aa
  put (2-aa+trunc(aa/4)) into bb
  put trunc(365.25*tYear) into cc
  put trunc(30.6001*(tMonth+1)) into dd
  return (bb+cc+dd+tDay+1720995)
end Date2Julian

-- Julian2Date
-- Accepts a Julian number and returns a Gregorian
-- date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
-- Derived from original code by Nelson Zink.
function Julian2Date pJulianDate
  local tYear, tDay, tMonth, aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, gg
  put trunc((pJulianDate-1867216.25)/36524.25) into aa
  put pJulianDate+1+aa-trunc(aa/4) into bb
  Put bb+1524 into cc
  put trunc((cc-122.1)/365.25) into dd
  put trunc(365.25*dd) into ee
  put trunc((cc-ee)/30.6001) into gg
  put cc-ee-trunc(30.6001*gg) into tDay
  if gg<13.5 then put gg-1 into tMonth else put gg-13 into tMonth
  if tMonth>2.5 then put dd-4716 into tYear else put dd-4715 into tYear
  return tMonth&"/"&tDay&"/"&tYear
end Julian2Date

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Multimedia Design and Development for Mac, Windows, UNIX, and the Web
 Tel: 323-225-3717        AIM: FourthWorldInc        Fax: 323-225-0716

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