Mark Luetzelschwab wrote:
> tried out the FTP uploads...had some trouble..
> on mouseUp
>    put url "file:///Macintosh HD/Desktop Folder/Movie
> Browser/web/index.html" \ into url

That's no good 
 put url "binfile:/Macintosh HD/Desktop
Folder/MovieBrowser/web/index.html" into url
is what you want and it works with binary and text files.

> "ftp://myuser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/d.txt";
>    put the result
> end mouseUp
> it tried to STOR it as /d.txt..permission was denied
> STOR /d.t
> Using Fetch, it called:
> STOR d.txt
> and it was ok.
> Is there any way around this?
> This same problem did NOT appear on another ftp server (the second
> one spit back a long path /Library/Web Server/ etc...) and I was able
> to use MC to ftp to it. However, upload a large quicktime movie, then
> download using Fetch, the movie was corrupted. (the movie is
> flattened, etc, so binary transfer should have been ok). Any ideas?
> Also, how do you check the status of an ftp upload?  Urlstatus does
> not return expected results.

Put the result should return "Upload complete" when it's done, I'll make
urlStatus() work also.

> Thanks!
> -ml
> --
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Regards, Andu

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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