Richard MacLemale wrote:
> OK,
> After spending an hour in the list archives this morning and getting bits
> and pieces of the info I need, I gave up and decided to just post the
> question...
> Here's what I think I know:
> 1.  You can download the darwin metacard engine and it will run under OS X.
> 2.  This will allow you to write scripts and save them as .mt files which
> can be placed in the CGI folder.
> 3.  An example of such a file is, included with MetaCard.
> I downloaded the darwin engine, I double-clicked it and it uncompressed (via
> Stuffit).  This created a folder with two files - gunzip and mc.gz.
> If you double-click the mc.qz file, it unzips and you have a file named mc.
> Putting that file into the CGI directory is NOT enough to make it work.  OS
> X doesn't know that it's an application.  I surmise that the directions that
> tell OS X about mc being an app are contained in the gunzip file.

A while back I had Darwin run on my mac (not OSX) with XFree86 and
Metacard worked as expected (given the limitations of Darwin) but never
tried the cgi part. Check out the manual for "chmod" if it exists and
set mc to executable (755).

> Finally, the question - How do you DO this?  What are the step by step
> instructions for installing the darwin mc engine?  I've got the darwin.tar
> file from the MC web site, and I know where the CGI folder is
> (Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables).

The more empirical way: put home, tools and help stacks in the same
folder with the engine and do ./mc and see if metacard starts in gui.
Also try .cgi instead of .mt for the cgi file.
Test with a cgi known to work just in case the server may not have the
proper settings.

> Thanks very much in advance,
> :)
> Richard MacLemale
> Instructional Technology Specialist
> James W. Mitchell High School

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