At 11:40 AM -0800 1/24/02, Scott Rossi wrote:
>On a related note, I come from a print background where we created page layouts by 
>having type set for us on photo paper and pasting it down onto boards with rubber 
>cement.  Making corrections to anything required cutting the paper with an Exacto(TM) 
>blade and pasting new type into position.  Try this sometime with 6 point legal type 
>and make it straight.  You kids today with your fancy shmancy page layout programs 
>and printers don't know how easy you have it...

I yield -- that sounds harder than writing a compiler, even on an abacus...

>At any rate, it seems that launching any old document is also possible without having 
>to reference the document's creator application:
>  answer file "Locate file:"
>  put it into tPath
>  delete char 1 of tPath
>  replace "/" with ":" in tPath
>  put "tell application" && quote & "Finder" & quote & cr &\
>      "open file" && quote & tPath & quote & cr &\
>      "end tell" into s
>  do s as AppleScript
>This should open the target document as if it was doubleclicked.
>Shouldn't this be more difficult?

It _is_ slightly more difficult, since you need to watch out for the "/" character in 
the legitimate path, which will have been translated to a ":"

You could either escape the ":" which always gives me a headache, or do a 
character-by-character switch. I generally go the headache route, but I have no 
aspirin handy at the moment...



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