Hi Everyone,

Awhile ago I asked a question about option buttons under OS X, but never got a response, so I thought I'd take another kick at the cat. When an item in an option button --- also popup or pulldown buttons --- is selected, the label of the button is set to the item selected. I was hoping that I coulod make them behave like checkboxes with their Shared Hilite off, where the same checkbox can be checked on one card and unchecked on another when it is part of a background. This would make option buttons much more useful as containers, and a good example of this appears in Apple's Address Book application where the label of a phone number field (e.g., Work, Home, Mobile, Fax, etc.) can be set using an option button and, of course, can be different for each entry in the address book. Is there anyway to do this in MetaCard?



Gregory Lypny
Concordia University
"Better for us if you don't understand."
The Tragically Hip


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