>Simon Lord wrote:
>>  Funny, the mctools site was taken down for a variety of reasons. 
>>The first being that only two submissions in the year that it was 
>>up were ever made. It seemed that at the time no-one was interested 
>>in submitting articles, tips, tricks or stacks. In the last 3 days 
>>I have received a dozen or so requests about it's whereabouts, how 
>>to get stacks that were on it (only mine) or how to start it up 
>>again elsewhere. Where were all you people during the last year?
>As they say, Simon, this means that capitalism works ;-).
>IMHO, a new 'mc'tools site would not have a better fate then the last
>one, now that metacard as a tool(brand) is loosing most of its user base
>to Rev.
>Renaming the site to 'rev'tools would most likely bring in more people
>specially that that crowd seems to have a good balance of gurus and
>newcomers/hypercarders in the need of an endless dialog.

IMHO, your site was designed too much for interactivity rather than a 
reference/depository site. That was at least the impression. I think 
a site with a more passive format, functioning more like a portal to 
information would be more successful (cf. Hypercard Heaven). This 
list is enough for interactive activities. A key to your site's 
usage/growth would be a direct link from MetaCard's site. Also, 
relying on user contributions is not enough. You would have to be 
more active in collecting materials. Equally if not more useful would 
be maintaining an organized collection of links to other sites (MC, 
Rev, but also HC and SC -- even MC's site has a couple links to HC 
sites), including sites distributing sample or util stacks or 
programs. Yes, I do realize that this would require quite an effort 
from you, but just providing technology base won't cut it.

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