erik hansen wrote:

> ("thetarg" is in the propertynames) = false
> local theTarg
> put the target into theTarg
> local: name shadows another variable or constant
> line:27  column:3 bad token: theTarg
> Handler: error in command
> Handler: error in handler
> this occured AFTER i had worked my way down half
> of the script "local"izing all local variables.
> all of a sudden in the middle of the page it
> jumped back to "theTarg" at the top. capricious.
> Reference has 3 lines on the explicitVariables
> property, but less info than in your
> communication. declaring all local variables does
> clarify things, and a few glitches did turn up.

The jumping script editor scroll is a known bug, addressed in 2.4.2.

Is it jumping to line 27 -- is that line 2 that you've copied above?
 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Custom Software and Web Development for All Major Platforms
 Developer of WebMerge 1.9: Publish any Database on Any Site
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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