>If so, you could try using "send in" commands to trigger the handler
>repeatedly. The handler could check to see if the sound was "done" and
>if so, start the next one.

After an hour of playing with various forms of the "send" command, I 
gave up and went back to the long, klutzy version.

Unfortunately I don't have hours to spend on one item of code.

My last failed attempt follows.  If anyone knows a fix, please make 
sure the fix works before posting it, please?  Don't assume, 'kay 
guys?  Chasing after empty code isn't fun!

# in the menuItem script
global nextSound
put "darn you.wav" into nextSound
answer "hello"

on tempHand
   global nextSound
   put "darn you.wav,aaah.wav,goodie.wav,oh yeah.wav,talk to you.wav" 
into soundList

   if nextSound is in sound() then
     repeat with x = 1 to the number of items of soundList
       get item x of soundList
       if it is nextSound then
         put (item (x + 1) of soundList) into nextSound
       end if
       exit repeat
     end repeat
   end if

   if the sound is done then
     play nextSound
     if "talk" is not in nextSound then
       send tempHand to me in 1 ticks
     end if
   end if
end tempHand

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