>When setting the windowShape of a stack on Windows, MC's perceived 
>height of the stack is apparently dependent on the height of the 
>stack's titlebar.  Is there a way to test the potential varying 
>height of the titlebar and allow the mask to be correctly positioned?

Speaking of windows, I ran into something, I'm sure I'm missing a 
piece of code somewhere.

I have a menubar, to show for Windows.  And I pretty much always have 
Edit Menus on while the project is open.

Sometimes I forget to click the box, and Edit Menus are off.  And 
frequently, the stack "grows" in height, adds the height of the 
menubar to the bottom of the stack, with Edit Menus off, and I have 
to manually resize the stack back to its normal size.

I haven't edited Metacard's "resize" handler.  And my menubar started 
off as Metacard's.  I think the menu choice was Create Menu?  And I 
of course added/deleted menuItems to suit my program, and deleted a 
couple of menu buttons and added a couple.  Help is at the end as it 
should be.

I could write a handler that sets the size of the stack every time it 
opens, to trap for this.  But surely it's a bug in my code somewhere. 
Or something I failed to put in.  I'm so new to Metacard's menubars.

Has anyone else experienced this, and what did it turn out to be?

Shari C
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