I see that this information is no longer included in the messages from
the mailing list server (probably that new list management package),
but please do *NOT* send bug reports or feature requests to the
metacard mailing list.  Neither get logged unless they come to a
metacard.com address ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], or the
catch-all [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and so in many cases making such posts
is just wasting your, and everone elses, time.

I realize that this is probably confusing for people who are also on
the improve-revolution mailing list because RR *wants* people to post
these things there, but you should probably know that that system is
not working so great because we don't log things on that list either
(the signal to noise ratio of engine problems to UI problems is so low
I don't even read it all that carefully anymore) and a good quantity
of the things that get posted there are slipping through the cracks.
Which is why they're going to be changing their policy soon as well.
  Apologies for the interruption,

Scott Raney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.metacard.com
MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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