Thanks Dave,

        You put a lot of work into your example, and I appreciate it.  
Sorry, I didn't look at it sooner.

        I suspect Dave's approach below (which is what I suspect Scott was 
suggesting as well, although I misunderstood it) will be fastest.  To 
make it more general, I might have to nest another 'repeat for...' loop 
to capture cases where the item to compared to in tLargeList is not 
always located in item 3.

        For those curious, I'm helping a colleague search through the file 
pertaining to the human genome database.  It's about 80 MB.



Gregory Lypny
Associate Professor
John Molson School of Business
Concordia University
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
                 - Anonymous

-- a snip from Dave Cragg's test...
    repeat for each line tLine in tLargeList
      if tArray[item 3 of tLine] <> empty then
        put tArray[item 3 of tLine] & ":" & tLine & cr after tMergeList2
      end if
    end repeat

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