Hi Simon,

> LOL, I was hoping it was.  I got the contextual menu which is what I'm 
> trying to avoid. I currently use the right mouse key to select/get 
> menu, but I'd rather hit cmd+E.
> Anyway, it came up only because I did that key combo tonight.  Odd that 
> several years after using SC it would just spring up on me while I was 
> working!
>>> The most incredibly useful feature of SuperCard that I really
>>> miss is simply using the keyboard to to edit the script of a
>>> selected object.
>>> Select and object, hold cmd+ E and you were scripting.
>>> Scott, anyway we can do this for the next release?  Anyone here
>>> have time to create a "keyboard mapper" for MC so we can define
>>> keys in MC?
>> Well, it's not exactly the same but control+click the object is pretty
>> close(?)...
>> Regards,
>> Scott Rossi
>> Creative Director

what about cmd-alt-click on the object ?

Does this satisfy you more ? ;-)


Klaus Major

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