Title: Re: Fun With ImageData, MaskData and AlphaData

Thanks for sharing these functions about imageData, etc....they were always in the arena of "when I might have some time"...but now they are quite within my grasp!

Two items:

1. The order that you had in your example for making the 50% transparent blue image:

repeat with i = 1 to 400
    put binaryEncode("CCCC",255,0,0,0) after iData
    put binaryEncode("C",128) after aData
  end repeat

did not work for me on my Mac, using 2.3.2

I had to switch the order:

repeat with i = 1 to 400
    put binaryEncode("CCCC",0,0,0,255) after iData
    put binaryEncode("C",128) after aData
  end repeat

2. Just for fun - I added a red-to-blue gradient..you can add to your page if you so desire!

(this is for a 16 x 16 image - will require some more calculations for other images)

repeat with i = 1 to 256
    put binaryEncode("CCCC",0,min(i,255),0,max(255,255-i)) after iData
    put binaryEncode("C",128) after aData
  end repeat

Thanks again - your work is most appreciated!


Mark J. Luetzelschwab                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]      
Texas Center for                   (v) (512) 232 9477
Reading and Language Arts             (f) (512) 232 2322             

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