Promised 3rd mail follow up.

3. back end cgi

...................cut here....................
#                        -=< Web Stuff >=-
#     Program name:
#     Version number:   1.0
#     Author:           SN 
#     Date:             04/09/02
#     Description:      Process Foobar Invoice Approval form messages

on startup
  global formdata, keywords, the_message

  put "[EMAIL PROTECTED] " into recipient_string

  if ($REQUEST_METHOD = "POST") then
    read from stdin for $CONTENT_LENGTH
    # Collect the information from the form
    put it into url "file:/tmp/it2.txt" 
    put "echo 'get' "                             into command_string
    put "| /usr/psl/bin/mimemail -s "             after command_string
    put "'Unhandled get in script' recipient_string" after command_string
    set shellCommand to "/bin/sh"
    put shell(command_string)
  end if

  # Our user's Outlook sends extra null data, prevent acting on it
  if (length(it) < 10) then
    put "echo 'got blank' "            into command_string
    put "| /usr/psl/bin/mimemail -s " after command_string
    put "'Our user Blank' recipient_string"          after command_string
    set shellCommand to "/bin/sh"
    put shell(command_string)

  # if actual data is received, then act
    put urlDecode (it)  into formdata
    put formdata into url "file:/tmp/formdata2.txt" 
    put "/usr/psl/bin/newcopy /tmp/formdata2.txt" into command_string
    set shellCommand to "/bin/sh"
    put shell(command_string)
    split formdata by "&" and "="
    put keys(formdata) into keywords
    sort keywords

    put formdata["email_address"] after recipient_string 
    # format the response as html
    put empty into the_message
    put the_message into url "file:/tmp/commdata2.txt" 
    put "/usr/psl/bin/newcopy /tmp/commdata2.txt" into command_string
    set shellCommand to "/bin/sh"
    put shell(command_string)

    # Email the form contents to the user
    put "/usr/psl/bin/mimemail                  \" & cr  into command_string
    put "-a /tmp/boiler2.txt   -t text/plain    \" & cr after command_string
    put "-a /tmp/commdata2.txt -t text/html     \" & cr after command_string
    put "-H -x                                  \" & cr after command_string
    put "-r [EMAIL PROTECTED] \" & cr after command_string
    put "-f [EMAIL PROTECTED]        \" & cr after command_string
    put "-s 'SUBJECT'                           \" & cr after command_string
    put recipient_string                           & cr after command_string
    replace "SUBJECT" with formdata["subject"] in command_string
    set shellCommand to "/bin/sh"
    put shell(command_string)
    put command_string into url "file:/tmp/command2.txt" 

    # Playback form contents to the user
    # Our user says, turn this off please
    # sorry, no can do

  end if
end startup

on write_web_response
  global formdata, keywords, the_message

  put "<html>" & cr                               into the_message
  put "<body bgcolor='white' text='black'>" & cr after the_message
  put "<center>" & cr                            after the_message
  put "<h2>" & cr                                after the_message
  put "INVOICE APPROVAL CONFIRMATION" & cr       after the_message
  put "<br>" & cr                                after the_message
  put "Sent by Chloe Productions"  & cr          after the_message
  put "<br>" & cr                                after the_message
  put "</h2>" & cr                               after the_message

  put "<br>" & cr                     after the_message

  put "</center>" & cr after the_message
  put "<br>" & cr      after the_message
  put "<br>" & cr      after the_message
  put "<h5>" & cr      after the_message

  put "<table BGCOLOR='#EFEDC5' BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=4 ALIGN=CENTER>" & cr after 

  put "<th align=center>" & cr after the_message
  put "Approved?" & cr         after the_message
  put "</th>" & cr             after the_message

  put "<th align=center>" & cr after the_message
  put "Inv #" & cr             after the_message
  put "</th>" & cr             after the_message

  put "<th align=center>" & cr after the_message
  put "Inv Amount" & cr        after the_message
  put "</th>" & cr             after the_message

  put "<th align=center>" & cr after the_message
  put "Paymaster" & cr         after the_message
  put "</th>" & cr             after the_message

  put "<th align=center>" & cr after the_message
  put "Who Sends" & cr         after the_message
  put "</th>" & cr             after the_message

  put "</h5>" & cr after the_message

  repeat for each line this_item in keywords
    if (formdata[this_item] = "Yes" or formdata[this_item] = "No") then

      put "<tr>" & cr after the_message

      # Need this false tag so program knows which invoices are approved.
      if (formdata[this_item] = "Yes") then
           put "<approved_inv invoice=" after the_message
           put this_item                after the_message
           put "></approved_inv>"       after the_message
      end if

      put "<td>" & cr              after the_message
      put "<b>" & cr               after the_message
      put formdata[this_item] & cr after the_message
      put "</b>" & cr              after the_message
      put "</td>" & cr             after the_message

      # Strip out spaces.
      replace " " with "" in this_item

      put "<td>" & cr                 after the_message
      put "<b>" & cr                  after the_message
      put this_item & cr              after the_message
      put "</b>" & cr                 after the_message
      put "</td>" & cr                after the_message

      put "inv_total_" into label_string
      put this_item after label_string

      put "<td>" & cr                 after the_message
      put formdata[label_string] & cr after the_message
      put "</td>" & cr                after the_message

      put "entered_by_" into label_string
      put this_item after label_string

      put "<td>" & cr                 after the_message
      put formdata[label_string] & cr after the_message
      put "</td>" & cr                after the_message

      put "who_sends_" into label_string
      put this_item after label_string

      put "<td>" & cr                      after the_message
      put formdata[label_string] & cr & cr after the_message
      put "</td>" & cr                     after the_message

      #put "<td align=center>" & cr after the_message
      #put formdata["invoice_memo"] & cr after the_message
      #put "</td>" & cr after the_message

      put "</tr>" & cr after the_message
    end if
  end repeat

  put "</table>" & cr         after the_message
  put "<br><hr><br>" & cr     after the_message
  put "<h5>" & cr             after the_message
  put "Comments:" & cr        after the_message
  put "</h5>" & cr            after the_message
  put "<p>" & cr              after the_message
  put formdata["Notes"]  & cr after the_message

  put "</html>" & cr after the_message
  put "</body>" & cr after the_message

end write_web_response

on boiler
  put "'This is an HTML-formatted message which your mail'" & cr  into boiled
  put "' client cannot properly display.'"                  & cr after boiled
  put cr && cr after boiled
  put boiled into url "file:/tmp/boiler2.txt" 
end boiler

on show_response
   put "Content-Type: text/html" & cr & cr
   put "<html>" & cr 
   put "<body bgcolor='pink' text='blue'>" & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "<center>" & cr 
   put "<img src=''>"
   put "<hr><h2>" & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "Thank you for using the Cast & Crew Invoice Approval program." & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "<hr></h2>" & cr 
   put "</html>" & cr 
   put "</body>" & cr 
end show_response

on show_bad_get
   put "Content-Type: text/html" & cr & cr
   put "<html>" & cr 
   put "<body bgcolor='blue' text='pink'>" & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "<center>" & cr 
   put "<img src=''>"
   put "<hr><h2>" & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "There was an extra get command from your Outlook email client" & cr 
   put "Please contact your consultant to have it re-configured. " & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "<br>" & cr 
   put "<hr></h2>" & cr 
   put "</html>" & cr 
   put "</body>" & cr 
end show_bad_get
...................cut here....................
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