I needed to print hidden data in columns.  So I searched the Metacard 
archives, and the solution offered was to use HTML.  I am well versed 
in HTML as I run several websites, but the TABLE tags failed, and I'm 
assuming that Metacard only recognizes rudimentary HTML.  Is there a 
list anywhere of what it recognizes?  I had added in the TD tag width 
and alignment.  <TD ALIGN=center WIDTH=200>  and when it printed, it 
just ran all the data together.

So I started diddling with a Print Reports stack that I came across 
somewhere, it may be from Metacard itself.  But before finishing with 
it, I realized that all it was doing was creating a stack, with 
fields, putting the data into the fields, and printing the card.

So I just created my own blank template stack, the size of a piece of 
paper, with fields for each column, and header, and footer.  Told my 
print script to take xyz data and put it into the fields the way I 
wanted it, lock messages, go to stack, print card, close stack, and 
voila.  Perfect columns exactly as I wanted them.  Such a simple 
solution, to get all balled up in finding another way.  As my data 
took up more than one piece of paper, I just put in the script to put 
ABC data into the fields, print card, then put DEF data into the 
fields, print card, then GHI data, and so forth.

(Just adding my solution to the archives so the next searcher with 
this issue doesn't have to get all balled up :-)
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