Maybe a simple question...

MetaCard stacks by default always open up to card 1.  I want to script a
stack so that it will open to a different card - say, the last card a user
visited.  I put this in the stack script:

on closeStack
   put the short name of this card into field "starting card" of card 1
   save this stack
end closeStack

And that works well - when you leave the stack it remembers the last card
you were on, in field "starting card."

Then I did

on preOpenStack
   go card (field "starting card" of card 1)
end preOpenStack

But that does not work.  if I change the handler to openStack instead of
preOpenStack, it works fine, BUT the stack initially goes to card 1 and then
jumps to the desired card... Which is ugly and confusing to the user.  I've
played around with locking the screen (didn't work) and setting the visible
to false on preopenstack, then setting it to true after the go card line in
openstack, and that didn't work either - still had the jumping problem.

What is the best, easiest way to open a stack to a card other than card 1?

As usual, thanks in advance...

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

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