At 2:03 pm -0400 2/8/02, Richard MacLemale wrote:

>Like I said, I can live with loading 2 MB into RAM, but it seems like there
>ought to be a better way and if there is I'd like to know it...

The latest version of libUrl (included with 2.4.3) supports direct 
file-to-file ftp transfers without loading it all into RAM. For 
details, see the libUrlFtpUploadFile command at this url:


But 2MB isn't such a big deal these days, and it might be easier just 
to go with "put" or "libUrlFtpUpload". libUrlFtpUploadFile was really 
made for all those home movies and 17-minute guitar solos that I know 
everyone on this list loves to make. :)

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