On Mon, 2002-08-26 at 17:42, Scott Raney wrote:

> No, it's apparently just a conflict in the way the KDE (didn't try
> Gnome) window manager stacks windows: it's putting the backdrop window
> on *top* of the other windows.  Worse, KDE at some point completely
> lost the ability to show a window with no title bar, ruining many of
> the other animation effects in the demo stack.

Don't get me wrong - I kind of like the minimal aesthetic of the new
Demo Stack :) I think I can dump KDE for now... it is pretty slow. Which
window managers work the best with mc? From reading the instal docs -
windowmaker seems preffered. 

Anyone use any others that work well for them... I'm looking for
something lean and fast that I can customize to make standalone machines
out of?



NB - I've also found that large stack won't display in the latest
version of KDE, they open but are not visible... works fine with

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