on 9/23/02 8:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> on 9/23/02 5:32 AM, Peter McConachie at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Catch1:
>> In the past I was setting the externals property of the standalone each time
>> it opened using its openStack handler. This appeared to work OK on 2.4.2.
>> With 2.4.3 this definitely doesn't work. You must set the externals property
>> in the source stack, save and quit before compiling the standalone. Same
>> applies when running stack under MetaCard engine.
> Yes- this appears to be a quirk of MetaCard 2.4.3. Of course this is also the
> first release which *used* the externals property on MacOS. Note that this
> property can contain multiple lines, in case you are working cross-platform.

So this is not problem of VXCMD...

>> Place VXCMD_macho bundle in same folder as standalone.app. Setting externals
>> property to "./VXCMD_macho" works as you suggested Brian.
>> Catch2:
>> MetaCard 2.4.3 fileName property returns paths less the Drive designation
>> ie
>>     2.4.2 returns /Macintosh HD/Users/username/..../fileLastname
>>     2.4.3 returns /Users/username/..../fileLastname
>> VXCMD only works if database name is of form
>>     Macintosh HD:Users:username:....:dBase.vdb
>> Anything else fails. Brians' VXCMD crashes application - Ruslans' doesn't
>> and returns error.
>> The problem is that under 2.4.3 there seems to be no way to unambiguously
>> add the drive - apart from querying the drives() and trying multiple cases.
>> All file existence checking now works without the drive designation.
> Ruslan: may be we can add check in VXCMD for POSIX-style paths on MacOS? Or
> relative paths?
> It is a small pain- VXCMD wants colon-delimited paths with the volume name,
> and MetaCard gives "/" delimited paths with no volume name (i.e.
> "/Users/yennie/Desktop/MyDatabase").

Yes, I think this is important not only for VXCMD, but for any macho based
product of Valentina.

Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin      [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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