eric engle wrote: 

2) I would prefer to save the file not as an .html but
as a .doc or at least .rtf 

I know that the html file can be read by current
versiosn of word - but have you ever looked at what
word does when it generates html files? Simple 15 k
files have turned into 50-90 monstrosities (I am not
joking) when exporting a doc from HTML to word. I am
_hoping that the reverse is not true... but I could
easily imagine M.$. bloating imported files (so they
can later sell a proprietary debloating program). 

So this is why I would prefer to save as a .doc or
.rtf rather than html. 


MicroShaft Word also creates highly bloated RTF files, so this may not be 
much better thatn the HTML solution. Try creating an RTF in another program, 
open it in Word, then save it. Then check the file size. This is a result of 
the RTF "standard" being so loosely defined that MS RTF is actually a 
superset of most other RTF definitions. However, MS includes some features 
that many other RTF generators lack, such as full paragraph justification. 
Therefore, beware of lost formatting when opening in another program an RTF 
file created in Word. 

Also, save the RTF file as an HTML file and compare the files sizes. 

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