On Monday, September 30, 2002, at 08:22  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> However, when I tested it on the pre-schoolers (talk about a TOUGH 
> crowd!)
> they wanted to hear it again before proceeding..
> my current (enormous) code is
> play (any line of card field "SoundList")
> my question...if I make a button called say "REPEAT?" how do I get 
> Metacard
> to replay the directly previous sound from the "SoundList" field?

There would be a number of methods, but here's one idea...

Script line #1:
global theRandomNumber

Here we're declaring a global variable - what this does is lets us use 
this variable, and the value that's stored in it, in every script, 
anywhere, whether it's another button, field, card, or stack.

Script line #2:
put random( the number of lines of card field "SoundList" ) into 

This puts a random number from 1 to the number of lines of the field 
"SoundList" into the variable named theRandomNumber.

Script line #3:
play (line theRandomNumber of card field "SoundList")
Very similar to before.

Now, make a new button, maybe named "Repeat", and put in these two 
lines of script:
global theRandomNumber
play (line theRandomNumber of card field "SoundList")

Here we're using carbon copies of our old script, but just excluding 
the line of script that got a new random sound.

Hopefully this was explained well enough.  Good luck with MetaCard, 
glad to have you on board!

P.S.  You can get rid of that ugly "card" word by turning off 
hcAddressing as described in a previous post.  You can simply delete 
the word card from every line of script above.

Go Bison!

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