Shari - this is a common problem for people who skip the auto-configure when setting up a mac.

I have one last thing to try.  And quite a few bugs to squish that
aren't going to be easy ones.  Apparently the script to go to an URL
fails on some.  Printing too.


Did not work to go to website---had to force quit, then it asked me
if I was set up for internet access. Was connected via DSL.
Check for the existence of a file something like Internet Addn Prefs (look in the prefs folder - double check the name, I'm working from memory).

If its there, all is fine.

If its not, the finder brings up a dialog in the background *but does not notify you or switch to the finder*. This is the hanging that you are experiencing. So..

1. Check for the file
2. If its not there on 9.x, then

a. Warn the user (They MUST click ok, or all fails)
b. Activate the Finder (using appleevents)
c. Hope that they click ok.

It might not be necessary - try using the "open location" instead - it should work on 9 - and may bypass this.

Good luck


-- She's testing on system 9.x. Another fella with 9.x succeeded
with no troubles.

on goURL
global tURL
if tUrl is empty then
exit goURL
end if
if tURL contains "@" then put "mailto:"; before tURL
if (the platform) is "MacOS" then
get the systemversion
set the itemdel to "."
if item 1 of it >= 10 then # OS X
put "open location" && quote & tURL & quote into s
do s as AppleScript
else # MacOS
send tUrl to program "Finder" with "GURLGURL"
end if
else if (the platform) is "Win32" then
set the hideConsoleWindows to true
put empty into theTitle
if "NT" is in the systemVersion then
set the shellCommand to "cmd.exe"
put quote & quote into theTitle
end if
get shell("start" && theTitle && tURL)
# local intApp
# local EXE_off
# put
into intApp
# if char 1 of intApp is quote then clear char 1 of intApp #
strip leading quote
# put offset("EXE",intApp) into EXE_off
# put char 1 to (EXE_off+2) of intApp into intApp
# launch tURL with intApp
end if
put empty into tUrl
set the itemDel to comma
end goURL
--Shareware Games for the Mac--


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