I found a way to fix it!

I had tried "send resumeStack to stack blahblah" and "focus on someObject in stack blahblah" (hoping to trigger the resumeStack handler), and those failed.

I created a handler called "resetCode", and put the resumeStack handler into it (now there are two identical handlers with different names, resumeStack and resetCode, in the stack that doesn't reset).

Open the modal dialog stack, and the buttons that exit out of it, call the resetCode handler.

close this stack
send resetCode to stack blahblah in 1 ticks

This works.

Sort of odd, as I had also tried putting the guts of the resumeStack handler directly into the buttons that close the modal stack.

close this stack
guts of resetCode/resumeStack handler

That failed. Odd.

Perhaps putting it into the stack that "lost" the code, if nothing else triggered the resumeStack handler? That would be funny!

At any rate, a few more tests to make sure everything works, and I will upload this bad girl!

Shari C
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