--On Saturday, November 23, 2002 21:07:26 +0100 Pierre Sahores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can't do it that way though as you know, the engine will start a new
process if it receives a new request while it is still busy processing
Do you say that while a process is still running to parse a first
request, the engine start automatically new ones to process the
supplementary incoming querys ? If yes, it's just what i need. But, if i
understand that this is trougth in console-cgi mode, i'm still not sure
that it's the case in the way you know i use mc (as web apps long
running process engine) :in waiting for tcp/ip sockets listeners
requests on port xxxx and replying to them.
It only works the way I described as a console-cgi, so you are correct.
As a server, which is the way you say you use it, you have a problem.
The only improvement I know of is to not block the mc server until you finish with the reply. When the server "accepts connection on port y with message x" , once that message starts its job, the server is ready to accept another connection. The trick is to keep track of each connection and reply them independent of the order they were accepted. Kind of how libURL is (still is?) handling multiple requests.
Also check out the archives ("more cgi stuff"-thread) for a method Brian Yennie was using for something similar.

For me, but i would be happy to be mistaking there (say it, if it's the
case), all incoming requests are processed one after each other, by the
main mc process i lauched once to activate the web service binded to the
port xxxx. In fact, i figured me out that this mc process was just
acting alike a postcript printer queue engine acts. Am i false, there ?
If you can make it work the way I described, yes.

While on this issue, is there any demand for supporting SSL? I imagine
most uses for an http enabled app are not for general browsing but more
specialized applications in which case https (privacy) should be a top
priority as a feature.
Sure... and i will probably use extensivelly thoses features if SSL
become directly available from inside MC !
This (as well as banning Windows) should be on the "Homeland Security" list under "protecting communications". What better way to keep criminal (terrorist) eyes from praying enviously into our lives.;-)

Regards, Andu Novac
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