--On Thursday, December 19, 2002 22:36:42 +0000 jbv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Pierre & Andu ,

andu a écrit :

> When it comes to browsers they should be considered bugged when they
> work... I'd like to understand why people use javascript when they can
> do with plain html.

Allo Andu,

I agree with you. Most browser-side problems are happening in parsing
..js code.
Sorry folks, but I totally disagree with you...
Yes, parsing JS can be a problem sometimes (especially
between the same browser version running on different
platforms), but according to my humble experience, HTML
is much worse !!!
JS + CSS (actually DHTML) is the less painful solution...
Unless of course, your use of HTML is limited to forms...
Aren't we all saying the same thing though, just looking from different angles? In my case JS can and does crush Opera on Linux i386 but it does fine on Mac, html doesn't crush ever but it can look like shit in older browsers as to css when it works it's nice but sometimes things overlap and it's a mess. Sometimes on one platform or another the page is just blank.
With Macromedia stuff I have a problem to begin with (am I difficult??).
Depends which mess you prefer.

As for Flash, I just can't understand why most ppl fall
in love with it... It's a totally self-contained environment that
can't interact with anything else on your webpage...
Furthermore, the scripting language is the most absurd thing
I've ever seen (although I must confess I don't have a long
experience with it : what I mostly do is trying to write a few
lines of script to help our graphic designer when he's facing
a critical situation); for instance, I never managed to create a
global variable in Flash...
Telling the truth, I'm seriously thinking of using SVG in the
future, coz I like the way it can be embeded in webpages and
interact with JS. And BTW did anyone notice that SVG has
been recommended by the W3C, and that they never mentioned
Flash ?

Last but not least : as for web-dedicated MC apps, I'm working
on a rather ambitious project that would combine cgi, DHTML
and MC (and a few other techniques).
The problem is with our client (and even with many ppl in the
company I'm working for) : the shift in the approach is so big
that they need a long time (much more than I expected actually)
to get used to it, before they take any decision...
The "funny" thing is that the main reason for the client to take
the plunge is when I say that in the long run, development
costs will be reduced (and in my company, it's the opposite :
it's a good reason to ignore my project and stick to the good
old webpages)...
Side with the client;-), MC solutions are so much more reliable and in my case the client ends up wanting more not less so the money is the same just better spent.


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Regards, Andu Novac
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