andu a écrit :
> A little something to share: this is a script which reads the width and
> height in a given JPEG file. I was planing to enable some weblog cgi
> scripts I made to handle photos and set the width and height parameters in
> html so that the images even if they are slightly bigger they will fit into
> a given rectangle and be scaled proportionally. True scaling of images
> usually requires extra software present on a server.
> Put this in a button:
> on mouseUp
>   answer file ""
>   put url ("binfile:" & it) into rawFile
>   put length(rawFile) into tLen
>   put offset(numtochar("255")&numtochar("217"), rawFile) into eoj
>   if eoj+2>=tLen then put  0 into tCount
>   else put  eoj into tCount
>   repeat while tCount<tLen
>     put offset(numtochar("255"), rawFile,tCount) into tOff
>     put chartonum(char tCount+tOff+1 of rawFile)  into tChar
>     if tChar is among the items of  "192,193,194,195" then
>       put char (tCount+tOff+5) to (tCount+tOff+8) of rawFile into rawSize
>       put baseconvert(chartonum(char 1 of rawSize),10,16)\
> &baseconvert(chartonum(char 2 of rawSize),10,16) into hSize
>       put baseconvert(chartonum(char 3 of rawSize),10,16)\
> &baseconvert(chartonum(char 4 of rawSize),10,16) into wSize
>       put "H="&baseconvert(hSize,16,10) & space &\
> "W="&baseconvert(wSize,16,10) into dimensions
>       exit repeat
>     end if
>     add tOff to tCount
>   end repeat
>   put  dimensions
> end mouseUp
> I'm sure it can be optimized but my knowledge of binary data is less then
> minimal. One thing the script doesn't check is if the file is a true JPEG.
> A similar process can read/extract the thumbnail image if the JPEG has one
> and/or the exif data if it exists but I have a family to feed and my time
> for playing is over;-).
> Regards, Andu Novac
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Cool ! and stored for future use ;-)
Cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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