Okay, I see that this will be never changed in MetaCard.
So this is private headache of MetaCard developers.
The point is that MC users do not think of them as Unix filepaths and it is not a headache the way you perceive it. Within MC, one simply does not worry about platform-specific paths the way one has to when working with RealBasic or Director. Having to pass a platform-specific path to Valentina is not a biggy as explained in the other email.

But agree, that if add great IDE to great language you will be more happy?
Well, yes, but what constitutes a great IDE is in eye of beholder. There are people who still claim that using GUI is crap and true computer users should stick with command-line interfaces...

I think that your problem is primarily caused by being too used to more traditional IDEs and not familiar with xCards enough (in sense of not using them enough).

May be Revolution solve this problem ?
Just no time to look on it deeply...
In case of MetaCard, one has a few options for IDE: a) MC's native GUI, spartan and down to the point; b) Revolution, richer and more dialog/palette-driven; and c) FreeGUI, a HyperCard lookalike (sort of). You don't like any of them? You can create your own.

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